(Archive) Vanguard-class Frigate Released!
Aw man, it's been ages since my last news post, and even longer since my last release. All the more reason to give ya folks a little Christmas present! Ok, this one first started off under the Name "Katana Frigate", however, I always was unhappy with that name. And with DTM eventually releaseing a (very awesomely designed) Katana-class Battleship (check it out HERE!) I finally decided to go for a different name. THus originated the Vanguard-class Frigate. With all the stuff on my desk at the time I actually had this one lying around finished for half a year, only waiting to be released. D'uh! So, anyway here it is! So, what else? Those of you who followed the WIP-Thread for the SSD over at XWA Upgrade know that Dragon and Myelf finally got our arses back up and got back to making some sweet progress. Even though we're somewhat on Christmas break right now I am confident that we'll finish this goddamn thing next year. [Me from the Future]: Nope.